"Pay Later" with Invoice Feature
3 - The entire work flow for Invoice Feature
3 - The entire work flow for Invoice Feature
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Now that we have explained why you want to enable invoice and how you can set up the alternative payment message, let's go through the user experience. As Jerry, he is going to try to make the payment and he realized that he doesn't really want to pay with his own credit card and he probably just want to take the course and get paid later. So he will follow the instruction here. It's very important to repeat that Oasis does not allow the user to trigger a notification to LMS managers directly on this page because we want them to follow the instruction that you display to them. Now, suppose that they have emailed account payable or whoever should be notified, explain why they need to pay later and which product they would like to take and get invoice later. Suppose they have already done that and that request has been routed to you as the LMS manager. What you will do is you will go to the course that Jerry is interested in taking now and get billed later. And then you will either use manual purchase or grant access depending on your system's configuration. And then you would just give Jerry a purchase. So I'm just going to give Jerry a manual purchase. So keep in mind now that I have give Jerry a manual purchase, Jerry is happy because he can start the course now. However, at this point, the user does not have an invoice in the system because I want to stress the granting access to the user for the desired course is one manual step and issuing the invoice is a second manual step. To do that, you will go to Tools, Learner Invoice, and you will create a new invoice and you will look for the user that you just give the invoice for. So let's find the Jerry's email, which is right here. You will find the user, make sure that's the user, and then you will select which product. Right now, the system only have one product that require payment. So that's easy choice. And then notice Oasis will tell you that this is the course that should cost $499 for this user. Now, it is entirely up to you how much you actually want to invoice the person. You could invoice the full amount or you could just invoice $250 and give the person a discount. At this point, this invoice has been generated in the system. And then you will have a choice to let the user know about this particular invoice. You can modify the message that's going to go out. This is based on a template that you can also change by going to dashboard, email setting, and then there's a setting for. The invoice is under the configuration. So any new invoice that go out by default is this template. So you can modify the default template or you can just modify every time you generate one. So imagine this is what you want to do. Then all you had to do is send the email. Then the user will receive an email for the invoice that you just created a few minutes ago. Keep in mind, if you create the invoice, but you don't send the user an email, you can still notify the user some other way. You can always just open your Outlook and send the user an email. Now, the user will receive an email. In addition, under invoices, the user will actually see that there is an invoice for $250 the user has to pay. Now, keep in mind, the entire payment process is entirely done outside Oasis because if it happens on Oasis, the user would have paid in the first place using the e-commerce flow. So the user probably will send you a check, money order, or bitcoins. However, the user actually get the money to you. At some point, you will receive the invoice, and then you will go to tools, learner invoice, find the invoice that was paid, and then click on mark as paid. Keep in mind, you can also avoid the invoice if the invoice is no longer necessary. You can also click on invoice logs to find out why the invoice was created. And lastly, you can potentially update the invoice balance to a new balance just in case there are some misunderstandings or any reductions or whatnot to change the amount for the invoice. In this case, what I'm going to do is I'm going to mark as paid. I'm going to say received a check with check number 1234. And I click on mark as paid. Then the user will be able to see on his invoice page that this has been paid. So this is end-to-end flow of how the user will potentially reach out to your relationship manager requesting to be invoiced later. And you as an LMS manager will manually grant user access to the product and issue the invoice. And then a few days, weeks, or months later, once you received the payment, you will go in the system and make the invoice as paid. So hopefully, this explains the overall process. Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains how users can request to pay for a course later through Oasis. Jerry, for example, wants to take a course and pay later. The LMS manager can manually grant access, create an invoice, and send it to the user via email. The user can pay via check, money order, or other means. The manager can mark the invoice as paid and update the balance if needed. The process involves manual steps in granting access, issuing invoices, and marking payments. The system does not handle payments directly.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
Oasis payment request
Course payment later
LMS manager access granting
Invoice creation and sending
Payment methods check money order
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